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BUNDABERG 澳洲賓德寶水果氣泡飲

Bundaberg 澳洲賓德寶為歷史悠久的澳大利亞家族企業,坐落在美麗的澳洲昆士蘭州邦德堡(Bundaberg)從1968年就開始釀製非酒精的高品質飲品,爐火純青、代代相傳,火紅程度已經使其銷售至世界60多個國家,尤其在澳洲,更是人手一杯!
Bundaberg 賓德寶氣泡飲以其用料的講究和古老的釀造方法而聞名,是市面上唯一加入新鮮水果釀造而成的非酒精氣泡飲料,而對於品質的堅持,賓德寶無採用任何人工、化學香料與色素!賓德寶水果氣泡飲是薩克有限公司獨家代理進口與經銷的產品。
Bundaberg Brewed Drinks is an iconic Australian family-owned business, based in the small Australian town that shares its name, Bundaberg. Established in 1968, it has consistently delivered premium craft brewed beverages (non-alcoholic), using only the best quality Australian ingredients.
Bundaberg's delightful range is available in Taiwan with the following delicious flavors: Ginger Beer, Pink Grapefruit, Guava, Passionfruit, Peach, Tropical Mango, Lemon Lime & Bitters, Blood Orange, Sarsaparilla.
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